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How to Reduce Workplace Injuries 

How to Reduce Workplace Injuries

The last thing anybody wants for their employees is for them to get injured on the job. And yet, workplace injuries occur frequently. In 2020, employers reported 2.7 million injury and illness cases in private industry. 

Even though these numbers represent a decline from previous years, they’re still alarming to many business owners and managers. If you have one of these roles, you probably want a way to prevent these problems at your business.

Fortunately, there are several workplace safety tips you can use to keep your employees safe. You can learn more about those tips by reading our guide below!

Implement a Workplace Safety Policy

The first step in keeping your employees safe is a clearly established workplace safety policy. This policy includes all of the procedures your employees should follow throughout the day. 

This program should cover every aspect of your employees’ safety while on the job. Similarly, it should encourage workers to report hazardous behaviors at the company. 

Once you establish your workplace safety policy, make sure that all of your employees receive the necessary training. Each of your employees should understand their responsibilities throughout their work day. 

Sometimes, employees of various linguistic backgrounds may not understand English training well. In these cases, ensure you can provide native language safety training for your workers. 

Perform Pre-Placement Physicals to Avoid Workplace Injuries

Jobs that require lots of manual labor require precise movements. For example, a job with lots of lifting requires employees to lift with their knees instead of their backs. 

However, some injuries at work occur because people are too inexperienced in this type of labor. As a result, they can’t perform the movement or position correctly.

You can avoid this by screening your applicants. Make sure each person you interview can perform the movements necessary to stay safe on the job. 

You can also use this information to match people to certain roles based on their physical fitness. For example, maybe somebody can’t perform the proper motions for manual labor. However, they can provide expert customer service.

In cases like these, you can have these employees work in different roles. This way, you can ensure that you have the best people in their optimal environments. 

Provide Safety Equipment

Personal protection equipment is an absolute necessity for your employees, especially if they work in hazardous environments. So, make sure your company has the best gear for them to use. 

The type of equipment required often depends on your environment. For example, a plant with lots of chemicals should provide safety goggles and face protection. Hazmat suits may also be necessary.

Construction employees likely need hard hats, safety vests, and safety shoes. So, find the best equipment for your workplace.

Ensure Your Employees Stay Safe

Workplace fatalities and injuries have disastrous effects on your employees and your business. So, use these precautions to avoid workplace injuries in your company.

Ensure that each of your employees receives the training they require. After all, having safe procedures and equipment does no good if they don’t know how to use them. Taking these precautions can safeguard your employees and make your business more efficient. 

We hope this article was helpful! Workplace safety is a critical issue for the business world. Learn more about this topic by checking our other content today.

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