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Allen R Hartman on How to Get Real Estate Photography Right 

Allen R Hartman on How to Get Real Estate Photography Right

Camera Gear

The real estate market today is hugely competitive. Added to this is the fact that people now use the internet to search for new homes. In fact, it was recently revealed that 85% of people now look for real estate online. This is something that everybody, from developer to broker to agent has to be aware of. And, according to Allen R Hartman, it also explains why taking a quality real estate photo is so vital.

Allen R Hartman on Real Estate Photography

Real estate photography is a booming industry. This is because realtors can have faith in the professionalism of these photographers, who will do much of the hard work. Additionally, photographers have an easier job than ever, because they can offer most of their services online. Indeed, the digital revolution has been nothing but convenient for everybody involved. That said, it does still mean that there has been a significant change in how everybody works, and that is something that must be adjusted to.

When a realtor hires a photographer, they have faith in the idea that they take professional shots. Unfortunately, it continues to be common for photographs to be taken with point and click camera. However, those are in no way professional and they are unable to provide truly amazing images. Not just that, however, but professional photographers now also offer the proposition of creating virtual tours, for instance. Indeed, they can offer a range of branding services, high definition photographs, panoramic shots, videos taken with drones, and a range of other services as well. It is now even possible to receive voice over narration to describe the property that is on show!

Some now offer it as part of a service. For instance, they create a web based platform that allows the real estate agent to access stock images of the area in which the listing is, such as Houston, to request specific images to be taken, and to then rearrange them in a way that they believe is most suitable for their personal listings. This then enables them to post their listings to their website, various real estate sites, Facebook, Twitter, other social media pages, and so on.

A recent study has demonstrated just how right Allen R Hartman is in suggesting photography is truly important. The Wall Street Journal posted an article that listings with good quality, professional photographs, would always sell for more, with “more” being anything from $934 to $116,076. Furthermore, it demonstrated that online attention was increased on listings with good photographs. Yet, despite all of this, only 15% of real estate listings today use professional photographs. Even with properties worth in excess of $1 million, over 50% still used low end cameras for their pictures. Clearly, real estate professionals need to rethink how they are listing their properties. Gone are the days of prospective buyers speaking to realtors and trusting their judgment. Today, they want to do their own research and they are incredibly critical of what they see.

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