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Combating Boredom: 10 Fun Things to Do on the Internet When Time’s Not Moving 

Combating Boredom: 10 Fun Things to Do on the Internet When Time’s Not Moving
Things to Do on the Internet

Where there’s internet, there can’t be boredom. Click here for 10 fun things to do on the internet when you’re bored to death.

I’m so bored!

And I am tired of watching YouTube and Netflix.

What do you do when all of your favorite shows are up to date and you don’t feel like watching YouTube?

You’re looking for things to do on the internet but you’re pulling a blank. Don’t worry, we’ve got you.

Continue reading this article for ten fun things to do on the internet when bored.

The Best Things to Do on the Internet

When you need entertainment, it can seem like all of the fun stuff is avoiding you. Instead of getting caught in the cycle of boredom, keep the below list to help you out the next time you’re feeling the boredom bug.

1. Google Your Name

If you haven’t Googled your name before, you have no idea what’s out there on the net about you. What if there is false information? Check it out and see if you can find anything cool.

2. Trivia

Trivia sites can teach you a lot of cool things but also test your knowledge. Sites like Zulie Perfect give you the fun trivia challenge without having to get out trivia cards.

3. Research Your Next Vacation

You’re already dreaming about your next vacation. Why not check out some cool things you want to do while you’re there online so you can prepare?

4. Create Memes

Everyone loves memes and it takes some time to create them. A great activity to beat boredom — and make your friends laugh!

5. Become a YouTube Creator

Just because you’re tired of watching YouTube, it doesn’t mean that you can’t spend your time creating. When you become a YouTube creator you’ll have to learn how to shoot and edit video as well as promoting your videos which all takes time.

6. Look at Restaraunt Menus

Not ready to order food but want to make sure your next order is on point? Look at restaurant menus online and plan your next epic eatery experience.

7. Read Funny Reviews Online

People say the strangest things when they are reviewing products. Read funny reviews to get into a great mood.

8. Look Up Recipes

Have you been thinking about cooking up a new dish? Use your downtime to look up delicious recipes for the next time you’re ready to cook.

9. Take a Class

There are classes for almost anything at your fingertips with online learning. Find something you’re interested in and learn a new skill or level up a skill that you already have.

10. Play Brain Games

There are lots of games online that help to stimulate your mind. Google brain games and you can find many options that will allow you to get your brain going. Playing brain games is fun and can also help you with various aspects of learning.

Want Something Else to Do?

Speaking of things to do on the internet, why not read more of our awesome blog? We have a great blog post to help you learn how to bring yourself back to zen if you get wound up. Click here to read our zen article today and beat boredom.

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