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5 Sultry Ways to Turn Your Boring Sex Life Into a Spicy One 

5 Sultry Ways to Turn Your Boring Sex Life Into a Spicy One
Beautiful couple is smiling and hugging while spending time together in bed at home

A healthy sex life is crucial to a successful marriage. In fact, one study concluded that couples with an active sex life were happier.

Sex establishes a unique connection between two people. Lack of sex or rejection is commonly associated with dissatisfied couples and divorce. In another survey of divorced couples, 43% cited lack of sex as the primary reason behind the split.

However, sex with the same person over a long period of time can become mundane. To maintain happiness and satisfaction, it is time to spice up your sex life.

Read on to learn how to turn your boring sex life into an exciting one. Explore five ways for how to fix a boring sex life.

1. Ditch the Bedroom

Sex is boring when it is predictable. A tried and true strategy for spicing up your sex life is trying a new location. No matter how many positions you try, the bedroom gets boring over time.

Start off your spicy new sex life by ditching the routine. Pull your partner into the kitchen or laundry room.

Depending on how daring you are, consider having sex in a more public setting. You are never too old for sex in the car or an outdoor quickie.

2. Purchase a Sex Toy

Toys are a fun way to spice up your sex life. They add an exciting new element to sex.

They also help both partners reach a climax. Many people stop having sex because they are left unsatisfied.

Folding a new toy into sex makes an orgasm more likely for both. These toys are designed specifically for maximum pleasure.

3. Bigger Is Better

No matter what some say, the fact is that bigger is better. A bigger penis is going to help your partner reach their climax.

Hope is not lost if you have a below-average penis size. Here, you can learn more about devices like penis pumps that help with enlargement.

4. Role-Playing

We have all seen our significant other gasp at the sight of their favorite model or celebrity. Whether it is Zac Efron or Jennifer Lopez, the sight of certain people is an automatic turn-on. Throw in a hot sex scene and your partner is in the mood.

Why not bring Efron or Lopez into your own bedroom? Role-playing is a certain way to spice up your boring sex life after kids.

Here, you can act out a sexy movie scene. Others do not need a celebrity and instead play the part of a sexy teacher or nurse.

5. Wear an Unforgettable Outfit

Some outfits are going to make your partner’s jaw drop. Consider picking up some lingerie and surprising your partner.

There are many sexy outfits to shop for online. Also, you can pick something up at Victoria’s Secret or another store. Very few things get your partner in the mood quicker than lingerie.

5 Ways to Fix a Boring Sex Life

Do not let predictability ruin your relationship. Incorporating these five tips into your sex life is sure to help. Passionate sex is right around the corner when you add role-playing or a new location.

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