You’re moving across a long distance, which is already expensive, so you want to cut costs where you can.
One tempting way is to drive your car to your new destination yourself. But that isn’t always the safest and most cost-effective way to move your car with you.
Read on to know how choosing a car shipping service is more helpful than harmful.
1. Better Car Mainentance
By carrying your car instead of driving, you are saving it from a lot of wear-and-tear from the trip.
This doesn’t just mean protecting your vehicle during the trip. It means practicing good maintenance that can last you long after.
Driving a long distance will put a lot of mileage on your car, which puts on your engine. There’s also your tires, windshield, even your car’s lights, and electronics.
Using a car auto transport company saves you from reaching these kinds of repairs too soon.
2. Lower Insurance Costs
Your car carrier service will offer their own insurance for your car.
This relieves you of any financial risks. You won’t be dependent on your own insurance for any costs. Also, your insurance premiums won’t go up if something happens.
The extra cost for their insurance coverage is very minimal as well. It’s a very small price to pay for peace of mind.
3. Door to Door Delivery
Choosing to ship your car means choosing a literal door to door auto transport. This can save you a lot of planning for your move.
You won’t have to be the one to figure out routes. You won’t have to worry about traffic. You won’t even have to worry about different time zones and what that means for your schedule.
Instead, you can focus on your move.
Meanwhile, you can receive regular updates on your car. And when you’re ready, you can have it delivered right to your door.
4. Saves Time
When you ship your car, you won’t have to take the time to drive it to your new location.
This is especially beneficial if you’re moving a long distance.
It gives you the opportunity to continue working or otherwise. Shipping your car could take several days, and that’s a lot of time to lose if you were driving.
By choosing to ship it, you don’t have to work out how to navigate your life around driving for hours. Instead, you can fly to your destination when you’re ready and coordinate with the carrier.
5. Save Money All-Around
Shipping costs will vary based on your type of vehicle and how far it needs to be transported. But it’s not as expensive as you’d think.
An average 4-door car can cost a little more than $1,000 to ship across the country.
But the costs of driving can sky-rocket when you count gas, hotel stays, and car maintenance.
By shipping your car, you won’t have any surprise costs either. You know what your rate is, and you have that guarantee of arrival.
Choose a Car Shipping Service
The benefits of choosing a car shipping service far outweigh the risks of not. If you want a guarantee of your car’s arrival and safety, not to mention your own, this is the way to go.
Was this helpful? Then be sure to check out our other posts on moving and car shipping!
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