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Guidelines for Winning Your Child Custody Case 

Guidelines for Winning Your Child Custody Case

You must abide by the guidelines provided by the court. Failure to do so places your dedication to caring for your children in question and can harm your case. Avoid criticizing your ex-spouse in front of your children. It will only turn them against you and hurt your custody battle.

Get Your Finances in Order

Winning a child custody case involves getting final orders for a custody arrangement that suits your family. It also means demonstrating to the court that you can provide for your children financially. Avoid using social media to publicly bash your ex-partner unless the behavior is relevant to your custody case (e.g., domestic violence). It’s also essential to keep up with your child support payments.

Get Your Child’s Medical Records

Parents who seek custody of their children should know their legal options to succeed. Getting your child’s medical records is essential. Courts look at what is in your child’s best interests when deciding on custody arrangements. Prior abuse/neglect, parental alienation, and other factors will be considered. The judge will interview your children and may need to consult a forensic psychologist.

Get a Good Lawyer

Child custody cases can be the most emotional battles in a divorce. You can win your lawsuit and defend your rights by hiring a lawyer from When deciding on custody, the court will consider several factors. The parent and the child’s primary caregiver will also be assessed along with their academic achievement and how frequently they see the doctor.

Get Your Child’s School Records

Under FERPA, parents can access their child’s educational records. It includes all academic reports and standardized test scores. Keep the copies in a folder or a looseleaf notebook, and make a list of each report for future reference. Highlight important parts and make notes on what you don’t understand. Proof of abuse or neglect can also help you win custody. It can be a finding against one parent during a previous abuse or neglect proceeding.

Get Your Child’s Teachers’ Reports

Most teachers are considered “mandated reporters.” It means they are legally required to report any abuse or suspected abuse. It includes not only reporting to their administration or guidance counselors but also to the authorities. Abuse and neglect go unreported way too often. Teachers are trained to recognize abuse and can be a good resource for parents who suspect something.

Get Your Child’s Doctor’s Reports

Hiring a professional legal attorney to handle your child custody case will ensure all necessary paperwork is correctly filled out. It will also ensure no unnecessary delays in a final custody decision. Your lawyer can help you organize your information better to present it more clearly and persuasively. They can also recommend a good custody evaluator or guardian ad litem.

Get Your Child’s Emotional Reports

Keep a journal and document everything, including pick-ups/drop-offs, telephone calls, and child support payments. It will help your lawyer prove you are a good parent. Be on time for visitation, and don’t violate any court orders. Anger over the father’s extramarital affairs, financial difficulties, or other matters unrelated to your children is an unacceptable justification for breaking a custody agreement.

Get Your Child’s Social Reports

Winning custody involves getting final court orders for a suitable custody arrangement. It can be done by negotiating a settlement agreement with the other parent or convincing a judge to rule in your favor at trial. It’s essential to collect substantial evidence for your case, including documenting any inappropriate actions by your ex-partner. It can help to show that their behavior is harmful to your children.

Get Your Child’s Academic Reports

Keeping your home clean and presenting well to custody evaluators can help you win your case. The evaluator will review court documents, and health records, observe parent/child interactions, and interview parents, children, and other relevant people. Stay child-centered, and put your ego aside. Using disparaging comments about your co-parent can backfire on you in child custody cases. Judges will look for evidence of polarization and parental alienation.

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