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Top 5 Tips for Military Families on the Move 

Top 5 Tips for Military Families on the Move
Military Families

Moving is a familiar thing for military families. Due to the nature of the job, these families would move every two to three years. Along with discipline, these families also have efficiency in their vocabulary as it shows in how they can deal with moving from one location to another.

We will look at some tips today that would help in the moving process. Whether you start out being in a military household or you have to move around due to your work. Here are some moving tips that you can take note of to make the process faster and easier.

1. Streamline Your Possessions

As military families move, they only bring the essentials with them. As a rule of thumb, if you moved before and have items that never left the box, you would likely bring it with you and would be best to leave it behind.

Consider this as a chance to also be rid of inexpensive yet replaceable items. This includes shower curtains, mops, brooms, and so on.

Use up unused food and other consumables as much as you can before you move. After this, donate what remains to a friend or neighbor.

2. Plot and Plan the Move

Moving to a new station can involve a lot of plotting and planning, especially when the order for it comes. You can do this in a stage-by-stage process as you plan a moving strategy. Organize everything in an accessible manner.

Create a moving binder for your paperwork, making it easy for you to access it. Prepare financially as you make a breakdown of your living expenses, including utilities and insurance. Make sure to plan out your route towards the new location.

As for your belongings, make sure to keep a meticulous inventory of them. Either you list them down or you can photograph them using your phone.

3. Ask for Assistance

You will also need help with every means possible. This includes professional help, such as with movers and packers. You will also need help from military real estate to help you spot a new location to move to.

Other sources of assistance can come from your friends and neighbors. Don’t be afraid to ask them for help whenever possible. They can assist in various ways such as helping with the clean-out or carrying out some of the furniture.

4. Leave No Mess Behind

When you leave, do not leave any mess behind. Make sure to gather and dispose of any garbage. Also, have any personal items packed away.

For personal items, you can manage this during the packing phase. After all, you have to sort and set everything on inventory when you’re moving in the military.

5. Bring the First Day Box with You

Have a box of essentials with you that you will need. Also, make sure this box comes with you, not the movers.

The box should have all the items you need for the first day. This includes a change of clothes, medications (both prescription and OTC), and chargers for your devices. Also included are other essentials like toiletries, personal care items, towels, and so on.

Show You’re a Military Family and Move With Efficiency and Ease

If there is anything that we can learn from military families, it is the discipline and efficiency needed to get the job done. This applies to moving as we need to have the essentials in hand to move without worry.

Do you want to know more about the military lifestyle? Check out our articles and guides to learn all you can today!

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