Take advantage of the time you have together while you have it by getting involved in family photography with the incredible benefits of family portraits.
93 million selfies are uploaded to one platform or another every single day.
Clearly, that’s a lot of pouts and poses going on.
And sure, there’s no argument: selfies are great. They’re fun, useful ways to mark and remember any special occasion. Whether you’re by yourself or with friends and family, there’s always room for a selfie!
But let’s not forget the value in standard photos too! You know, those ones where someone else takes the picture for you?!
Of all the different types of photo-opportunities, capturing moments together as a family is particularly special. More than just a memento, photos of this kind provide all sorts of additional benefits to you and your family.
Want to know what they are?
Keep reading to discover 7 incredible benefits of family photography.
1. Memories
A picture says a thousand words, right?
There’s something deeply evocative about a photograph. It provides a glimpse into a special time in your history. As a family, you get to look back to those moments that brought you joy and happiness. It’s the perfect way to reminisce about old stories, events, and happenings.
As time passes by, memories can start to fade. It’s one of the tragedies of the human condition! However, photographs unlock the door to memories long forgotten. They have an uncanny ability to take you back through time.
Your family is often the most important part of life. Having photos that remind you of special times in your history can be of immense value to all.
2. Heritage
Equally, some family photos stretch back hundreds of years.
It’s incredible to look back on your heritage, thanks only to the family photos taken by your descendants!
Not only that, but they help leave your own legacy behind. The photos you take for granted now may be a treasured possession of family members to come.
Think about the ancient black and white photos you have of grandparents and great grandparents. Isn’t there something poignant about seeing their faces with your own eyes? These names may have lived in your family story for decades.
Coming across an old photo that provides faces for the names is deeply significant. The same will be true for your successors looking back on the family photos you take now.
3. Value to Others
Photos are sometimes as valuable to friends and visitors as they are to your family.
Displaying family photos shares a message to anyone spending time in your home.
You tell the world of the importance of family to you. You get to show off your children, grandchildren, sisters, brothers, mothers, and fathers…and so on. Anyone who comes by will enjoy hearing their stories, and seeing the photos from your latest family gathering.
4. Change and Growth
Family photos provide a remarkable insight into the changes your family experiences over time.
After all, people (and by virtue, families) are in a constant state of flux. Nothing is ever stable for long. We get older, fatter, thinner, greyer, taller and smaller! Unfortunately, family members die; thankfully, new additions to the family are common as well.
All the photos you take serve as a storyboard. You get to look back through time at the visual proof of how you’ve all changed.
You’ll exclaim in surprise at how you’ve shifted physically with the years that have passed. You’ll remember how cute your sibling once was, and joke at how times have changed! You’ll recall that terrible haircut you had and that you used to love, but that brings you nothing but shame to see now! And so on.
It’s exceptionally special to see how your family has developed over time.
5. Comfort
There’s a major source of comfort to having family photos at your disposal.
Life often gets in the way. Weeks, months, and even years can go by without seeing the faces of your nearest and dearest. Having a photo on the wall or mantelpiece means you get to see them nonetheless. They feel close, even if there may be thousands of miles between you.
This can often be of great value for older generations who don’t utilize modern video-calling technology.
In the same way, photographs of family members who’ve passed away remain in focus. They’re still there, smiling happily at you in a photo, even if they’re no longer around physically,
6. Artwork
It would be foolish to forget the artistic side of family photography!
Family photos are the ideal addition to your home. Not only do they have a sentimental purpose, but they can look great too. For example, setting up photos in different styles, frames, sizes and so on can make for a lovely wall display.
This is often of primary importance for a family photographer. These images can become a feature of your home- an eye-catching component that people will comment on every time they enter your property.
7. Belonging
All humans need to feel a sense of belonging where they live.
Now, as people get older, families will naturally drift and start having families of their own. That’s a beautiful part of life.
However, it can be difficult to get used to at first. Empty-nest syndrome is a particular bugbear for mothers and fathers who’ve spent nearly two decades nurturing their children into adulthood!
Having family photos around can create a valuable sense of familiarity. They help you settle into your house by virtue of having the faces of your closest loved ones on the walls.
Time to Get Started with Family Photography
There you have it: 7 great benefits of family photography to enjoy.
Photography is now ubiquitous in society. Every man and his dog is an amateur photographer, by simple virtue of having a smartphone in their pockets. Every second, millions of photos are being taken around the world.
As we’ve seen, of all the things being photographed, family photos can provide particular value. Both you and your family stand to gain in all manner of ways.
Hopefully, this article has highlighted the primary things to look forward to.
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