As an American, you probably spend significant money on gas. To save some cash, consider getting a credit card that provides cash back or points whenever you make a gas purchase. However, paying off your balance every month is essential to avoid being charged interest. Otherwise, any rewards or benefits you’ve earned could be quickly diminished.
Oil companies brand some gas credit cards; others offer generic rewards that don’t restrict you to a particular gas brand.
Using the best credit cards for gas purchases can help you save money, earn rewards, and track expenses. Credit card companies offer gas station branded cards and general rewards cards.
A credit card is a convenient way to pay for gasoline because you don’t have to pay with cash immediately. Credit card companies give you as many as 25 days to pay your balance, and you can avoid interest charges by making payments on time.
Most credit card companies issue a separate card to their loyalty program members that offers discounts at their gas stations. These cards are often referred to as co-branded gas cards. The perks are usually more limited than those offered by general-purpose credit cards that include gas purchases in their overall reward offerings.
Based on information from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the typical American household spends approximately $2,000 annually on fuel costs. To lessen these expenses, utilizing a credit card that provides cash back on gas purchases can be beneficial.
Nevertheless, before submitting a credit card application, it’s crucial to calculate the costs and guarantee that you can pay off the balance in full every month.
While some cards may be co-branded with a particular gas station or fuel provider and offer rewards connected to those programs, many credit card companies also have general gas cards that can be used anywhere. These cards may offer cash rebates for purchases at the pump or discount rewards on a card’s statement. Some cards may have introductory offers that deliver additional cash rebates for the first few months or years.
In addition, using a credit card at the gas station provides more security than paying with cash or a debit card. This is because debit cards draw funds directly from your bank account, leaving you vulnerable to fraud if your card is stolen at the pump. On the other hand, credit cards typically come with $0 fraud protection benefits and federal laws that limit the amount you can be liable for if your card is lost or stolen at a gas station.
Another way to boost your gas card security is to keep digital records of all your purchase transactions, including those made at a gas station. That can help prevent identity theft and make it easier to prove your purchasing history in the event of a dispute or when filing taxes.
You may save money at the gas pump using a credit card offering points or cash back. These cards frequently have a rewards program that you may use to redeem for gift cards, bill credits, or direct payments into an associated bank account. Additionally, some cards can let you combine gas station discounts with third-party, brand-specific petroleum applications that provide additional savings or promotions.
The benefits of a gas credit card can be greater for some people than others, depending on where they purchase gas and how much they spend. Generally, a credit card that earns bonus rewards on gas purchases is more beneficial when fuel prices are high, while cards with flat savings rates tend to decrease their value as prices drop.
Tracking your gas spending with a credit card can be easier. With a credit card each month, you’ll get an itemized statement that clearly shows how much you spent at the gas station. This can be especially helpful if you need to expense or deduct these expenses for tax purposes.
For those who buy gas frequently for business or work, fleet cards may have more value than gas credit cards, which typically only offer a flat discount rate for cardholders. In addition to their deeper discount rates, many fleet cards earn bonus points on all purchases and offer other perks like car rental insurance.
Using a credit card for gas purchases can help you earn points, miles, and cash back for other spending. These rewards can be very valuable, especially with today’s soaring fuel prices.
These cards are available as store credit cards that only work at a specific gas station brand or co-branded cards (which usually bear the logo of a payment network like MasterCard or Visa) that can be used at any participating gas station. Some cards offer additional cash rebates on other spending, while others focus solely on providing gas discounts.
Some credit cards offer a 0% introductory APR period, allowing you to save money on gas and earn additional rewards. However, it’s important to keep in mind that high purchase APRs can cancel out the benefits of these introductory offers. Therefore, paying off the balance in full before the 0% APR period expires is crucial.
Some cards also have extra protections, including $0 fraud and zero-dollar liability on unattended fill-ups. In addition, some of these cards may have lower eligibility requirements than regular credit cards, making them a good option for consumers with a less-than-perfect credit history who want to build or rebuild their credit.
However, these cards are often more costly than traditional cards that offer similar benefits, so it’s essential to carefully weigh costs and rewards before applying.
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