A company ensures the application of standard safety measures, yet accidents still happen. As a worker, you are supposed to be aware of the steps you need to take to handle any unfortunate events and the dirty tricks played by employers.
In today’s post, we will share how to ensure winning a compensation claim in NSW.
Steps to Report the Injury for Workers Compensation Claim in NSW
The following steps are taken immediately to report an injury at work.
1 – Record Injury’s Details in Employer’s Injury Book
There is an injury book available in every company and it’s your first step to report the injury with as detailed a description as possible. However, some companies may not have it available in their work area.
In such a case, write down the details and send it to the employer via letter or email. Don’t forget to keep a copy if you send it on a hard paper.
2 – Fill in Injury Notice Form & Return to Employer
Fill in the injury notice form and return to the employer. If you haven’t received this form, move to the next step.
3 – Contact Health Care Practitioner
Fix an appointment with your own healthcare practitioner the same day of injury to obtain WorkCover NSW, the Certificate of Capacity.
This step is a tricky part in the whole process and may cost you big time later. Your employer or his/her representative from the company or the insurance office may ask you to meet their appointed healthcare practitioner. It seems a simple request, fair enough to go for, isn’t it?
But you still go with your own practitioner. You may find pressing offers. In any circumstance, you aren’t bound to agree with their proposition.
But why is that so?
You can never trust anyone’s intentions and ‘their practitioner’ is not in your circle of trust.
In short, it is precaution you just can’t ignore.
4 – Request worker’s compensation claim form
Did you skip the second step? If yes, it is time you asked your employer to provide you with one. This time you do not miss it.
5 – Fill in & Return the Form
Fill in the form very carefully and return to your employer with a Certificate of Capacity enclosed.
Note: We remind you to keep a copy of every document to support your claim.
Valuable Tips to Follow During the Process of Making Worker’s Compensation Claim in NSW
The moment court proceedings start, a nerve-racking and mind-numbing battle starts with it! To help you overcome the complexity and tricks played by your employer, his representatives, and his lawyers, here we present you with a few smart tips to win your claim.
1 – No Statements Without Your Lawyer’s Consultation
Now that it’s become legal, you need to engage experienced NSW workers compensation lawyers to ensure you can go through the process to ensure the best outcome. An investigation is an integral part of this process; therefore, you will be contacted by an investigator, probably from the insurance company or a law informant agency. It is alright to share details, but do so in company of your lawyer.
2 – Beware of Insurance Company’s Representatives
You must distinguish between people who are really on your side and who appear to be on your side. Be mindful that insurance companies make their revenues from your employer, and worker’s compensation is an expense. Therefore, never come in contact with the insurer’s representatives in the absence of your lawyer. They are highly skilled at manipulating, so stay alert.
We hope you will never face any hassle at the time of such an unfortunate event. Being experienced, we are always here to help you deal with workers compensation claims.
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