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A Quick Guide on the Common Types of Jewelry 

A Quick Guide on the Common Types of Jewelry

Are you preparing to put together a jewelry collection for yourself? If you are, you’ll be happy to know that there are all kinds of different types of jewelry that you can buy.

The global jewelry market is worth almost $250 billion at this point. As a result, there is no shortage of jewelry options out there in the world.

But before you start buying up jewelry in droves and wearing it every day, you should learn about some of the many options that you’ll have. It’ll help you pick out the right jewelry for men and/or jewelry for women.

Here is your guide to the different types of jewelry available today.


When you think about rings, engagement rings might be the first type of jewelry that come to mind. They’re arguably the most common kinds of rings on the market.

But you should know that they’re just one of the many types of rings that you can buy these days. You can also invest in promise rings, wedding rings, class rings, anniversary rings, birthstone rings, and so much more.

This article on buying jewelry can teach you more about the ins and outs of buying rings for yourself or your loved ones. It can also educate you on purchasing other types of jewelry.


After rings, necklaces are probably the second-most common type of jewelry. They’ve turned into a huge hit among those who buy and wear jewelry on a regular basis.

Why? Well, for starters, there are tons of different kinds of necklaces. From pendants and chokers to lockets and multi-chains, you can purchase 50 necklaces without repeating the same style.

Necklaces can also be worn with both fancy clothing and everyday clothes. They’ll make styling jewelry with your favorite outfits so much fun.


Just like with rings and necklaces, you’ll find that there are tons of different types of earrings that you can buy in this day and age. A few of the types that you’ll like best will include:

  • Studs
  • Hoops
  • Danglers
  • Drops
  • Crawlers
  • Climbers

Some of these kinds of jewelry will be ideal for dressing up, while others will give you a more casual look overall. But no matter which type of earrings you choose, you’ll instantly look and feel more confident than you did before once you have them on.

These Are Just Some of the Types of Jewelry You Can Buy

As you can see, there are lots of types of jewelry that you can buy for either yourself or someone special to you. It’ll be your job to assess the different kinds of jewelry so that you can choose the right options.

And guess what? The types of jewelry that we’ve talked about here are only the start! There are also so many other kinds of jewelry that you can go with depending on your specific style.

Would you like to discover more about the jewelry that you should consider investing in? Learn all about it by reading through more of our blog articles.

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