Hybrid Cloud is gradually becoming a top-notch solution for IT resilience. Most businesses are opting for Hybrid cloud due to the convenience it comes with. The hybrid cloud is incorporated in most large businesses. Over 80% of high-performing organizations have incorporated hybrid clouds in their IT resilience strategies.
The main reason why hybrid cloud is becoming a popular IT resilience option for most high-performing organizations is its efficiency. Other benefits the hybrid cloud guarantees a company include:
- Continuous availability
- Flexibility
- Disaster recovery, especially if data has been lost
- Security from external threats
Contrary to the knowledge of many organizations, hybrid cloud can be less efficient if it is not properly incorporated into the organization’s IT resilience system. What could be great for a particular company may be inefficient for another.
For instance, some companies’ information may be safe in a public cloud, and some may need a customization of a private cloud. Before incorporating hybrid cloud networking into your IT resilience, it is recommended that you understand how to get the most out of hybrid cloud:
Know What You are Looking for in a Hybrid Cloud
As tedious as it may sound to many people, assessing your needs before obtaining a hybrid cloud is a very important step towards ensuring IT resilience. There are many factors to consider before getting a hybrid cloud. If keen considerations are taken, the benefits can be quite overwhelming. Some of the factors to keep in mind include:
- Whether a service provider who manages the servers or the software will be required
- Whether you want to build your own, or whether you want to lease a private cloud service from the providers such as Amazon and Microsoft.
- Whether the company has cloud consultant personnel to manage the cloud services
- The cost of hosting the cloud
- Make sure that it is a hybrid cloud
For these reasons, hybrid cloud is the most used cloud computing strategy for IT resilience.
Companies have a choice of building their own cloud, or hiring from the providers such as Rackspace and IBM.
It is important to know that not all clouds have the same capabilities. In most cases, the prices of the clouds differ according to their performance. For instance, a cloud may be cheap, but reading back your data may tremendously increase the cost of hosting the cloud. In the contrary, a cloud may be expensive but reading back the data could be less costly. It all depends on what suits the enterprise best.
Ensure the Enterprise’s Data and Information is Securely Saved
It is recommended that the company begins by having its non-sensitive and information in the cloud. With time, after the company decides that the cloud is secure enough, they can save then sensitive information. There should be a period of building trust. Saving sensitive data in the cloud from the word go is comparable to diving into a bottomless pit.
It is also important to know what data, and how much data can be put in the cloud. Furthermore, in case the company is having a new cloud consultant or an IT technician, trust should first be gained before they can access the company’s sensitive information.
For security purposes, it is recommended that a consistent security model is applied in the entire company’s cloud facility.
Carefully Categorize your Data and Applications in the Cloud
A well organized cloud will boost the IT resilience of the enterprise. Carelessly throwing information into the cloud may make the retrieval process quite tiresome. The information and applications should be grouped into small, manageable categories.
The personnel managing the cloud should know where to get particular data. The cloud consultants and the IT personnel should be conversant with the cloud. This will help them retrieve the information with ease in case an emergency comes up.
A company should also know what information to put on a public cloud, and what information to put on the private cloud. Information stored in the public cloud may be prone to security issues compared to information in the private cloud. It is recommended to put information such as the company’s cloud in a public cloud.
Pair Hybrid Cloud with Software- defined Storage
A software-defined storage makes the hybrid cloud service more efficient. They come with several advantages such as:
- Boosting the storage performance of your cloud
- Securing the data saved in the cloud
- Organized storage of your data
ioFABRIC Vicinity is one of the efficient software-defined storages.
Manage the Hybrid-cloud Using Third-party Storage
Incorporation of the company’s current environment is important in hybrid cloud computing. It is usually quite risky to move all the information to a cloud at a go. This might make the company vulnerable to the service providers.
It is usually safe to pair your hybrid cloud with services such as on-premise. This way, your data is guaranteed more security.
Hybrid cloud is one of the most superior ways of securing a companies’ data and information. The effectiveness of a hybrid cloud can only be realized if it is used properly. It is important to note that no hybrid cloud is similar to the other. It is recommended that a company analyzes the features, benefits and limitations of hybrid cloud providers before settling for their ideal cloud.
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